The 28th Singapore Boys' Brigade Company

The 28th Singapore Boys' Brigade Company

Monday, August 08, 2011

Festival Of Games

-To aid boys in senior program get their sportman badge.
-Complete at least 95% of the planning.
-4 sports
-media and first aid.
-count manpower
-To run a half day FOG for BB coy from W1 cluster.

Games: Outdoor:
handball (7)
floor ball (7)
Soccer (11)
Frisbee (5)

Time: Events:
9.00am Gather, register and adminstration thingy.
10.00am Open game
11.30am Soccer and frisbee
12.30pm Lunch
3.00pm Handball and Floorball
4.45pm Closing
5.00pm Clean up.

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