The 28th Singapore Boys' Brigade Company

The 28th Singapore Boys' Brigade Company

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Officers/Primers Retreat 2011

The officers and primers had a retreat on Saturday 14 May 2011, followed by a BBQ at night.

Pastor Andrew was our speaker, and he led us to think through 3 importants issues in our lives – education/career, relationships (including BGR and marriage) , and life philosophy (values). It was a good session, and gave us a chance to think through these issues so that we do not just drift along in life.

We watched Ice Age 3 in the afternoon. Some of us went for a swim after that. The BBQ was fun. We had catered BBQ food, including satay. The fire starters and charcoal (provided by the caterer) seemed to work very well yesterday, different from when we had our own BBQ. First time in my many years of BBQ that the chicken turned out so well.

Here are the pictures from the retreat.

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